
Bio-Tek is a leading developer and supplier of high-value microplate instrumentation and software solutions. Our instrumentation is used to accelerate the drug discovery process, to advance discoveries in genomics and proteomics, and to aid in the advancement of life science research. As part of the Lionheart Technologies, Inc. group of companies, Bio-Tek designs, develops and markets instrumentation, software and integrated solutions throughout the world.

offer a complete line of products for applications within: Drug Discovery & High, Throughput Screening, Clinical Laboratories, Biotechnology, Genomics & Proteomics
Life Science & Medical Research


Instrument Validation Packages
The Instrument Validation Packages provide complete guidance and checklists for GLP required IQ-OQ-PQ processes.
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Universal Test Plate
The Universal Test Plate checks the performance of Bio-Tek’s automated microplate absorbance readers.
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Conserve precious benchtop space with this laboratory instrument rack.

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